Chapter 124 Members:

Your Chapter is working to complete several projects, including the 2023 Regional Auction Inventory and the Cedarburg McClintock Clock Restoration project.

Time is flying by and we need a lot of help to get keep our projects on track. Your help will make our projects go much faster, as well as make our Chapter more successful.

Please take just a few hours on Saturday, January 14th, beginning at 9:00am, to come to the Irving Facility at 102 N. MacArthur Blvd and lend a hand.

Although we will be working from 9:00am – 4:00pm, ANY time that you can help will be greatly appreciated. Come and go as you need.

For those who can help, we will provide a pizza lunch!

If at all possible, contact me at to volunteer. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Brian Schmidt
Chapter 124, NAWCC

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