President's Message - March 2023
Chapter 124 had a very successful Lone Star Regional on March 2, 3 and 4, 2023. And, I would like to thank the Board, the Volunteers, the Vendors, as well as all of the people who attended in order to make our 2023 Lone Star Regional Regional such a success.
Also, a special thank you to NAWCC Representative Ralph Pokluda for his help and presentations during our Regional. I would be remiss to not mention Sherry Kitts for her great job as the NAWCC Representative for our 2022 Regional.
This year’s Exhibit, hosted by Justin Barren, was entitled “Black Forest Clocks”. Justin and James Barren put together a great display, including a diverse sampling of cuckoo clocks as well as a massive Black Forest Wall clock. Thank you, Justin and James, for a great job on the exhibit.
Chapter 124 sold a lot of tables in advance of our Regional. Unfortunately, several people who registered could not attend the Regional because of the weather. There were also a few who canceled due to illness and we wish them a speedy recovery and hope to see everyone at the 2024 Lone Star Regional.
We experienced a little bit of excitement during the Thursday night Social Hour and Silent Auction. Because of the severe weather, the hotel and surrounding area lost power for almost 2 hours. However, everyone carried on with cell phone flashlights in hand and, when power was restored, we completed the events and enjoyed the evening with no adverse effects. Everyone seemed to feel fortunate that we all escaped what could have been a more serious situation.
On another topic, Chapter 124 is offering a couple of wonderful classes in April and May. Jerry Kieffer will host “Pick your Project”, which is scheduled for 22-23 April and and Phil Ball will conduct a “French Clock Repair Class” on 6-7 May. If you are able, please plan to attend these two great classes. Check out our Chapter 124 Workshop and Event Schedule for more information.
Now for some serious chapter business. More than ever, we need our members to step up and help with upcoming chapter business. A you m ay know, the Chapter does not run itself. We have been fortunate to have a few very dedicated and talented people in key positions over the past several years. However, at the present time, our Chapter is facing a difficult time.
Several Board of Director members have timed out on term limits. Our President, Vice-President, Treasurer and two other Directors will be leaving the Board in June. In addition, some long-term and previously always available chapter members are stepping back for a variety of reasons. So, we will need new members to help with the chapter through the next fiscal year and beyond, including next year’s Regional. Also, we need members to help on the Nominating Committee, a New Location Committee (we need to leave the current Irving location due to funding) and the Awards Committee. PLEASE consider volunteering for a position on the Board of Directors or one of the other very important Committees. Just contact one of the current Board Members and see how you can help.
One of the primary services provided by Chapter 124 is our scholarship initiative. Presently, our Scholarship Committee is at a loss as to why Chapter Members are not applying for the “Fred Tischler/John Erickson Scholarship” program. Please visit the Chapter 124 Website for more information and apply.
Thank you,
Brian Schmidt
Chapter 124, NAWCC