Lone Star Chapter 124 Newsletter

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Lone Star Chapter 124 Newsletter                                                                                                   Volume 38      No. 1
Membership – 341                                                                                                                                 July – August 2023

President’s Message

Hello, Chapter 124 members. In case you don’t remember me, let me reintroduce myself. I am Tim Brownlee, a former president of this Chapter. I served during the year that COVID started and throughout the pandemic. Those two years were interesting, trying to hold the Chapter together and schedule activities despite the lockdowns. We have new challenges this year that I will address shortly.

First, I would like to introduce the new Board members: Tom Hefner, Vice President & Convention Director; Bill Nash, Secretary; Tim Henz, Treasurer; Bill Slough, Educational Director; Mike Brazil, Mart Director, Myron Patrick and Wayne Hall, Directors At Large. This is the first time we have had a full Board of Directors in 4 years. Thank you to all of our Board Members.

I would like to extend a special thank you to Brian Schmidt, serving as our Past President. Brian’s energy, hard work and leadership is most appreciated. Larry Thomas is another board member who will truly be missed. In Larry’s role as Education Director, he demonstrated remarkable initiative and organizational skill. Additionally, Larry assumed a leadership role in overhauling the Chapter’s web site, and “Constant Contact” application. In his spare time Larry created spread sheets which proved invaluable keeping our 2023 Regional organized. Larry will continue to serve as instructor for the CR-100 class. We will miss James Barren too. James always had the donuts and water ready for the One Days. Thanks to all – your work is appreciated and you will be missed!

Tim Brownlee
Chapter 124, NAWCC





As we start the new fiscal year, we must address membership and finances. Our membership is declining. Ideas have been suggested by a few members and a committee is being formed to help build the Chapter back. If we can grow our membership the financial situation will take care of itself. If you know of anyone with an interest in clocks and watches, please let them know about Chapter 124.


Our Irving Training Facility is another area of significant concern. Currently, it is not being utilized to the fullest. If we could offer two weekend classes a month, the location would pay for itself with a little to put back in the bank. I would like to establish a committee to find another location for classes and storage of our equipment and materials.. The Grapevine Founder’s Building will be under construction soon, and reservations are not being accepted for 2024. An ideal place would be a joint building to share with another organization such as a VFW, Lions Club etc. Please keep your eyes open.

Preeminent horologist and model engineer Jerry Kieffer, from Wisconsin, visited our Chapter in April. He taught a “Pick Your Project” Class. All who attended learned new skills and techniques and agreed that it was a successful class. It’s always a pleasure to host Jerry, whose knowledge and skills are second to none.

Phil Ball taught a “French Clock Repair” class in May. Students taking Phil’s class appreciated this experienced instructor’s teaching style. Techniques learned give the students confidence in their ability to do the job in the future. If you have the opportunity, take a class from either of these instructors.

Two classes have been scheduled for the remainder of the year. Phil Ball will be teaching CR-200, Spring Barrel Clock Repair, which will take place Aug 12-13, 19-20. In addition, Phil Ball will be training three Chapter members as future instructors during this CR-200.

Larry Thomas will teach CR-100, Kitchen Clock Repair, to be held on Sept 9-10, 16-17. These classes are currently scheduled a little out of the normal order because CR-200, scheduled earlier in the year, was canceled. Next year we will be back in order and other classes will be added. So, watch for Constant Contacts and keep up with Chapter 124’s Website Calendar and Schedule of Events.
Always be on the lookout for announcements of ongoing events, such as the McClintock Clock work parties. The last one was June 17th, hosted by Brian Schmidt. There is no charge for participation, just have fun and help us out!

Your Chapter needs to find a location for classes and One Day meetings. Grapevine is closing the Founders Building next year for an undetermined amount of time. After October we will not be able to access the building. The rent in the Irving training center is going up. If anyone can help our Chapter find locations for these two needs please contact me, Tim Brownlee, or Tom Hefner. We will need storage too. I will need to know something by July 31st for the training center.


One more area is the Lone Star Regional. This is our biggest fund raiser for the Chapter. Our profits have steadily fallen over the years by 2/3 due to price increases everywhere. Some prices may need to be increased our 2024 Regional event. However, this is the absolute last thing I want to do! Don’t forget that Tom Hefner will need volunteers to run the Auction and Let’s Make A Deal tables. We have already started planning for the 2024 Regional. Please help.

Library Exhibit

There has not been a library exhibit for the last several months. But, one is coming to McKinney, TX in August. Evelyn and Hugh Slough have been managing the library exhibit for years and, if you haven’t seen one, try to go by the library in McKinney to see the new exhibit.

Upcoming events

July 11 – Open Bench Workshop, Irving 4:00pm – 8:00pm

July 13-17 – NAWCC National Convention, Lancaster, PA.     Visit: nawcc.org

July 22 –  McClintock Work Party, No charge.

August 5 – One-Day Meeting, 701 S Main St. Grapevine TX    8:00am – 2:00pm

August 12-13, 19-20, CR-200 Spring Barrel Clock Repair. Instructor: Phil Ball.

August 25-27, All Texas Chapters (Houston) Regional. Check website for details: www.chapter139.com

September 9-10, 16-17, CR-100 Kitchen Clock Repair. Instructor, Larry Thomas.

Please watch for a Constant Contact or visit www.chapter124.org for additional events or changes.



                                 Brian Schmidt receives an award.                                    Larry Thomas, past Education Director



Jerry Kieffer gives lathe instruction to Ron Janetzke.                           French clock. L-R: Ralph Ward, Jon Anderson and Brian Schmidt.


CR-100 – John England, Tom Hefner, Tommy Howard & James Edwards. (9/2022)


FOR SALE: Contact Tim Brownlee – 972-754-6156

Contemporary Clock. Runs well Time Chime and Strike.     $350.00 OBO


Storage Box. Good for movements or books. 10 X 10 X 21 ½  $20.00

**SOLD**Watch bench $200.00 **SOLD**

Contact Tim Brownlee 972-754-6156


You can advertise here for only $20.00 for 2 months or $40.00 for a FULL YEAR.

Fendley & Cox





Please consider spending a few hours leading an activity or serving on a committee.

We need YOUR help!