Open Bench
Instructor: Various Chapter Members
OW-100 – Open Bench Workshop. One Day (9 AM. to 3PM.) All Chapter members are welcome to attend this series of open bench workshops. Members may bring a clock or watch movement and receive expert advice on how to clean, conduct repairs and make adjustments. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own repair tools but can also use Chapter equipment. These free flowing workshops are designed for fun, fellowship, learning and mentoring. The workshops are held quarterly and upcoming workshops are listed in the Chapter calendar. Because these are informal, members can arrive and leave whenever they choose. Registration is not required but a small fee is collected during the workshop to buy pizza and soft drinks. Fees also contribute to maintaining Chapter equipment. Pre-requisites: none.
OW-101 – Evening Open Bench Workshop. One Evening (4 PM. to 9 PM.) These open workshops are similar to OW-100 except they are shorter and offered in the evening. Typically they meet on the second Tuesday of each month. Upcoming workshops are listed in the Chapter calendar. Pre-requisites: none.